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Caritas Health Shield SCAM


Aug 17, 2018

Yesterday ( 16,2018 I went to SM sta rosa to get my new card from BDO.
As  was strolling inside the Mall, a man approached me and
told me it was “CARITAS” anniversary and for their  they are giving a promotion for just a day. He told me he just  to gain points so  need to claim my stuff at their office (inside sm).

He introduced me to a woman who told me  can invest at the same time get HMO as a bonus.
Like you don’t need to pay anything but what they will get from you is just your savings with higher interest. 
The woman confirmed that this will be exactly the same thing as your money from your bank. Deposit and withdraw. 

With all great benefits and confirming  can withdraw my money anytime, anytime.
“I can withdraw my money anytime”
And With the help of her manager ( who’s doing his best to convince me to pay at least 23k or higher, he keeps on asking my credit card limit which I refused and will tell you it will be for approval but then get your card and swipe it) they’re able to charged my debit card, 
I paid P15,480 (debit) + 200 policy fee cash just to give it a try since they’re asking a higher amount.

When  got home,  called  right away to ask about their promotion, benefits and ask if  can withdraw my money.
The representative confirmed there’s no promotion and can withdraw it, also I cannot use that card even for consultation but only confinement.

Today (Aug 17,2018) I went back to their office, “the manager” who charged my debit card told me he will do nothing about it and just informed me to pass my cancellation letter to their front desk. Also pretending he’s not aware of what her agent is telling me about their “you can withdraw anytime” line. Caritas IS NOT SCAM, but what they’re doing is misleading to get new clients.

Caritas IS NOT SCAM, but what they’re doing is misleading to get new clients.

Yes I know their full names but i decided not to mention it because i still pity them, like just for your sales? You’re really going to do this??

Please enjoy your commission guys most especially you mr. Manager! Congratulations! KARMA is real

Caritas Review…/caritas-health-shield-revi……/how-to-cancel-your-health-…

I’ve been receiving a lot of messages from other victims of this fraud strategy

What did i do? (What you should do)
Submitted cancellation letter (i went to sm sta rosa)
Emailed Caritas of the acknowledgement letter from sm sta rosa 
Called Insurance Commission to get assistance (not sure if it helps, maybe?)
Called Cancellation dept every week to check status (IF YOU CAN, do it)

Where to get caritas and insurance Commission email and contact number?
Go to their websites and check it in “contact us”

I was able to get my refund of 15,480 not including policy fee after 33days.



#caritas #smstarosa #insurancecommission