Internet and electronic devices contributed a lot in this Digital Marketing Age.
Whether it’s a student or instructor researching, a housewife or businesswoman online shopping, everyone is just using their mobile devices.
Experts in this field were the most hired persons by different companies all over the world since 2015, that’s according to Smart Insights.( ) And they will probably more in demand in 2020 as most business owners and companies spent now in digital ads and contents.

This kind of marketing evolves so fast. Platforms are updating and changing every now and then, which requires companies adjust their marketing strategy and have someone with the required skills.
But the question is, Are you qualified to be a digital marketer?
What are these professionals?
To be a digital marketer you should be:
Flexible : Platforms are constantly changing and updating
Photo Editing: Eye-catching contents are really effective
Social Media Skills: Viral social media content is like free advertising
WordPress and Shopify Familiarity: Tools to build a website and online store
SEO knowledge: Knowing how to use right keywords will make it easier for customers to find your business
Learn PPC: Additional effective way to increase your traffic

And there’s a lot of websites and tutorials that will teach you at least the basic of what you need to learn. Try it!