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How to be a Digital Nomad?

I want to be a Digital Nomad, What do you do? I want your career. I’m interested getting job like yours. I want to work from home.

Those are just some of the PMS and DMS I’m getting from social media.

Being freelancer isn’t easy, it’s not for lazy. You need to work harder and smarter than a 9-5 job, simply because it’s not stable. It’s like you’re busy today, but you can be jobless tomorrow.

You should’ve backup jobs, side gigs to make sure you’ll not end up jobless, when your contract just ended without any warning, or you just can’t work with your demanding client anymore. 

How to get into Digital Marketing Career?

  1. Make sure you’re ready to be independent, you’ll work remotely and you don’t have any colleagues by your side.
  2. Assess yourself, what do you really want to do? Digital Marketing career field encompasses a lot of niche jobs
  3. Start exploring digital marketing tools
  4. Watch tutorials and read blogs about digital marketing 
  5. Look for freelancing websites, apply and get verified. 

Digital Nomad can be the coolest career ever at the same time can be the hardest, If you think you’re ready to work remotely and independently, then go ahead and pursue it, you’ll never know unless you try.

What is Digital Marketing Professionals
Click here!

Where to Apply as a Freelancer?

Upwork –

Online Jobs PH –

Freeeup – –

Toptal –

Fiverr –

And a lot more.

Should you start FREELANCING? Check this 5 reasons why you should and why not!

Two years ago -> I left my full-time and started freelancing