Digital Nomad
is everyone’s dream in this generation..
Year ago, i left my job and decided to pursue being freelancer.
I don’t have schedules, i can work anytime, anywhere.
Most of my friends are asking me, are you still working? Or do you have sponsor when traveling?
Traveling isn’t part of my job, lol. I wish.
And i need to work 40-70hrs a week. Imagine that. So what do i do?
I’m a social media manager and content creator.
I’m working for different international brands. Vitamins,Camera,Sports,Watches,Rum brands. They all have 3-5 platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Shopify.
Creating illustrations, ads, managing blogs, marketing plans, Content management, are some of my duties.
So how did i get the job? Believe it or not.
I just told my first client to check my instagram, then i was hired.
Freelancing isn’t easy. You need to work harder, smarter. It’s not
stable if you don’t know how to keep your clients. And it’s not for
Being your own boss sounds so easy, but believe me. It’s very challenging.
And you’re the only one who’s in charge of your success.
No workmates, supervisors to help and motivate you. Just you.
I don’t feel like I’m working because I love what I’m doing.
Years ago, i was working as an assistant, Today, I’m thinking to hire an
assistant or move out of the country and live the life of a digital
Your career path will be hard, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
Oh I remember, i’m not marketing major and graphic design isn’t part of my course as well.

They’re all laughing at me when I’m putting so much effort for my photos and Instagram until i start I getting paid.