As a Digital Nomad, the first spot I’m always looking for is a CAFE, and so happy to discover Katha Kape (@katha.kape) located in Naia 3! ( I recommend their coffee and food after your delayed flight/s

Great COFFEE BREWS and delicious food! I love how strong their coffee is! And the pastries, ohmy

I got the chance to meet the owners, they’re three couples with the same interests and visions. They gain respect from me real quick after knowing their goal for making Katha Kape happen. Aside from promoting local brands, (their beans are coming from They’re hiring people without judging skills based on his diploma. isn’t amazing? They’re wonderful people. One of their baristas is not even experienced barista but they just gave her a break. Trained her and now serving great coffee for their customers.
“kindess is simple, it is seeing the good in everyone, and celebrating it”
And the bonus? It’s pet friendly! @storm_thebratpersian enjoyed her chill time too, but she keeps on asking for cup of americano with a splash of soy. Like hello.
#KATHAKAPE #SupportLocalCoffee
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