Obviously, I love freelancing because I can work anywhere lol
It’s most people dream! Who wouldn’t love to work at the beach, or park?
in Starbucks? or any coffee shop? right?

I love it because I don’t have to be with people who are just nice to you when they need something from you, or fake people who are your friends when you’re just around. There’s no competition anymore, I just work hard to make money and reach my goal.
It’s tiring inside the office, I got tired of commuting, driving, traffic, and all.
I love freelancing because

Obviously I can make more money, MORE. I said MORE.
Working all night or all day is possible, I can work whenever I want to.
More time to spend for family and friends
I can work without needing to take shower lol
If I’m sick, I’ll get rest, I don’t need to call anyone.
I have loooooooooooong lunch
Going to the mall anytime is possible, no need to wait for weekends and holidays when it’s crowded.
So yeah, I have many reasons why I love freelancing. You’ll probably love it too.
But before quitting your job and leaving 9-5. Do you really think freelancing will work for you?
Check this out! https://worktravelandtakephotos.com/2019/05/11/5-reasons-to-start-freelancing/