Quarantine and this pandemic totally changed our lives. And losing weight at home and working out became a part of my Quarantine. Fortunately I have few stuffs that were very useful during this moment so let’s do Peach Queen review!

I’m using Peach Queen’s resistance bands for my arm workout, glad they have the best color combinations that helps my mood to workout.

Their fabric resistance bands are great! It’s the best bands I’ve found here in Philippines, so durable!
I usually use the medium and heavy bands for leg and butt workout.
And of course, their dual core sliders that I’ve been using for almost a year and not breaking at all! I highly suggest Peach Queen stuffs.
You’ll get free pouch for the stuffs you’ll get from them and the free shipping And cod nationwide is such a wow.
Losing weight at home is totally achievable if you’re consistent.
I’m doing 15mins core sliders workout, 60 squats with medium band, and 15mins arm workout using Peach queen light and medium results bands.
Achieving your body / weight goal is hard but not impossible just keep on moving, and remember why you started.
Peach Queen stuffs www.peachqueenph.com