Sands and Stars Glamping, Dinidiawan, Aurora , Philippines

Traveling to Aurora will take 7hrs from Manila
How to get there? From Cubao ride a

Joybus 750php (non stop)
Regular ac bus 450php
Van 200php
Bus 85php

Rates in Sands and Stars
1600php – Glamping for two-four pax, breakfast included
2800php – Glamping tent for four-eight pax, breakfast included
2500php – Cabins good for four-six pax, breakfast included
200 – Cooking fee
50 – Grilling per day

The beach itself is amazing, and spacious, sand is like creamy white.
The water was calm but can be huge at times.
There are trash cans in the beach as well, for you not just to throw you trash anywhere along the beach.
Toilets are clean as well, flush and faucets are all working.
Wide parking area is also available.
Glamping setup is pretty cute and instagram worthy.

Side TRIP: Lighthouse Baler

Try this Glamping too! Check this out https://worktravelandtakephotos.com/2019/02/19/casa-antonio-glamp-camp/
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