My website (this website!) was approved in Google Adsense in less than 12hrs! It will usually take a week to a month before they approve a website and fortunately, mine was approved in less than 12hrs. And as per other bloggers, your website should be live at least 6 months, but my website is justRead the Post
5 Reasons to start and not to start FREELANCING
Most people think there’s no money in freelancing most especially if they don’t have any idea how to make money without needing to go to office and their comfort zone. So should you consider freelancing? Here are five reasons why you should start pursuing it 5 REASONS TO START NO MORE GOSSIPS and office politics!Read the Post
Obviously, I love freelancing because I can work anywhere lolIt’s most people dream! Who wouldn’t love to work at the beach, or park?in Starbucks? or any coffee shop? right? I love it because I don’t have to be with people who are just nice to you when they need something from you, or fake peopleRead the Post
Filipino Freelancers’ Salary
As a freelancer, you should be getting at least $4usd/hr (200php) if you’re a newbie. That means, if you’re working full – time you’ll have 200php x 40hrs(wk) = 8000php per week, 32,000php a month, That’s the ideal minimum per month for a NEWBIE Filipino Freelancers’ Salary For upwork Freelancers’ , you’ll get paid everyRead the Post
Digital Marketing Professionals
Digital Marketing Professionals are the responsible behind those successful internet marketing campaigns, They have the desired skills to create creative advertisements, web pages and more. Online Content Developer Social Media Marketing Search Engine Optimization Specialist Business Analytics Specialist Brand Management Mobile Marketing Specialist Web Designer Professional Blogger Search Expert Email Marketer As a Digital Marketer,Read the Post
How to be a Digital Nomad?
I want to be a Digital Nomad, What do you do? I want your career. I’m interested getting job like yours. I want to work from home. Those are just some of the PMS and DMS I’m getting from social media. Being freelancer isn’t easy, it’s not for lazy. You need to work harder andRead the Post
Culinary at First Gourmet Academy
I love cooking just like my mom, but she’s a good cook and she bake really well. That’s why I thought of enrolling Culinary at First Gourmet Academy. I decided to visit the academy to learn more about what they offer. First Gourmet Academy is located in Greenhills Capitol, Quezon City. And I was surprisedRead the Post
MacBook Air for $12 (600php)
I got a Macbook Air for $12 (600php). Like a typical day, i was so busy creating a lot of contents, managing social media accounts until my samsung laptop started acting up. I got used to it, like it suddenly stop working, won’t turn on, or just restart. But I panicked this time, I rememberRead the Post
Katha Kape
As a Digital Nomad, the first spot I’m always looking for is a CAFE, and i’m so happy to discover Katha Kape (@katha.kape) located in Naia 3! ( I recommend their coffee and food after your delayed flight/s ) Great COFFEE BREWS and delicious food! I love how strong their coffee is! And the pastries,Read the Post
Bukidnon – Buda tour
Bukidnon – Buda tour , Bukidnon- Davao With the breathtaking view of Paminahawa Ridge, you’ll definitely can’t say no going to Bukidnon – Buda. From davao, it will be 2hrs bus ride from the Ecoland terminal. Tell the conductor to drop you off in SEAGULL RESORTS, and you will be seeing a lot of habalRead the Post